Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Go SF! I knew I liked the place for a reason

SF is considering introducing a plastic bag tax similar to one already in place in Ireland. I 100% whole-heartedly approve of the idea. I was shocked, absolutely blown away, at the effectiveness of a €0.15 / bag charge in grocery stores in Ireland -- nearly no one uses the give-away bags! Some estimates say the consumption fell more than 90%! The Irish pour so much of their new-found wealth into wasteful things (booze, big cars, bribes) and some into worthy causes (witness the recent generocity for tsunami victims), but a 15 cent charge has completely changed their behavior. AND MINE! I kick myself when I forget to bring my own bag along to the store. It's truly an amazing consumer behavior change. Over 15 cents! I've never appreciated tax policy more.


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