Don't stick to your guns, Mark
Mark Steyn boldly proclaims If Kerry wins, I'm going to quit 'Irish Times'. His gripe: willful ignorance.
"And that's all I'm asking for after November 2nd - that the Euroleft chuck the tired gags about "Shrub" the moron, the idiot, the stupid white man that saw them through his first term. Stow the pop psychology, too - the cracks about the "daddy complex" that supposedly led him to topple Saddam. It's already obvious the 43rd presidency is far more consequential than the 41st: George Bush snr's place in history will mainly be as the guy who warmed up the name for George Bush jnr. If you're not prepared to give serious thought to the challenge Bush poses to the UN and EU complaceniks, you're never going to understand the times we live in."
All I'm asking for is that the Euroleft chuck the tired gags, et al, now, and start understanding the times we have lived in for the past 4 years. I think Bush is on the way out; I hope Mark Steyn is not.
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