Monday, January 17, 2005

It's all about the cash

Check out this line from the media "commentator" who was on the Bush payroll to tout their policy undercover.

a chat with readers on this week, Williams was asked
more than once about returning the money. He said he wouldn't because he'd been
paid to do a job and he'd done it; that the only mistake he'd made was not
disclosing the arrangement. "We delivered on our goals and they delivered on
their compensation."
Tit for tat... Doing his job...

That sentence alone deserves some kind of prize for candor about how the
public's business is now done in Washington. Indeed, watching the Williams case
unfold makes it feel like someone finally shined a light on a murky old swamp.
Media figures have been "selling" themselves to people in government for years.
But the pay the toadies traditionally get in return for their supportive
opinions isn't actual money. It's access, invitations to fancy parties, phone
calls from movers and shakers -- the feeling of power.


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