Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Harvard clearly losing its wits

Harvard is engaging in some of the most dispicable and condescending pseudo-PC behavior I've ever seen from a university. It is trying to ban a room cleaning service, started by an entrepreneurial student, because of the "demeaning" status it confers on its student employees.

What kind of whiny wimps are running Harvard? More to the point, what kind of fucking idiot students are running their newspaper? Would they ban all cleaning services, to make the whole community more unified? Maybe all those janitors that they lobbied for "living wages" some years ago shouldn't have jobs at all, since they are clearly inferior in our eyes because of their employment.

Is serving dinners, re-shelving books or folding clothes in a shop any less "demeaning" than vacumming or folding sheets? We could do all these tasks ourselves without too much undue effort. Perhaps they think that students can't have jobs at all without projecting their clearly inferior economic status. How do jobs after graduation fit into the mix, or are they demeaning as well to those not blessed with a personal endowment or trust fund?

But they focus on the egalitarian nature of dorm living. A few other issues pop into mind. Does one wealthy student's expensive wardrobe threaten "student unity"? Should all students wear the same dull garbs to outwardly project their unity? What about other personal effects, like computers or extensive and expensive CD collections?

Weak minded fools up there in Cambridge. PC nonsense run completely amock. Clear evidence why Princeton is and has always been a better school.


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