Thursday, June 02, 2005

The only thing to fear is...

As far as David Brooks is concerned, for Europeans it's a lot more than fear itself. He thinks that the 'no' votes in France and Holland are symptomatic of a broader fear of the unknown in Western Europe. For all parties involved, across the political and social spectrum, 'no' meant clinging on to some certainty in a world they see changing more than they are willing to admit.

One line that really rang out in my mind:

Anybody who has lived in Europe knows how delicious European life can be. But it
is not the absolute standard of living that determines a people's
morale, but the momentum. It is happier to live in a poor country that is
moving forward - where expectations are high - than it is to live in an
affluent country that is looking back. [...] The core fact is that the European
model is foundering under the fact that billions of people are willing to work
harder than the Europeans are
. Europeans clearly love their way of life, but
don't know how to sustain it.

That's equally true on both sides of the bond as well, Mr Brooks.


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