Friday, April 01, 2005

An Ireland in transition

Delineated in this new report, which holds some quite eye-opening data within. Knocking away a few of those old Catholic Ireland fairy tales:

There's no work in Ireland, you need to emigrate to succeed:
"In 2004 Ireland had the second-lowest unemployment rate in the EU at less than half the EU average..."

A rising tide lifts all ships:
"...but the proportion of people living close to poverty was the joint-highest of 21 EU member states surveyed. "

Ireland and the Church will look after its own:
"Ireland had the lowest rate of spending on social protection in 2001 in the 15-member EU."

Ireland has 40 shades of green, and is proud of that reputation:
"In addition, the report found that recycling rates in Ireland were poor by European standards."

Needless to say, the opposition parties were less than thrilled. Great quote from Pat Rabbitte, the Labour leader: the report showed "a strong economy but a weakening society, and a Government that has its back to the future."

Some good news: Ireland ranks lowest in EU for homicides. Even better: The Irish are an educated bunch. "The proportion of persons aged 25-34 in Ireland with 3rd level education rose from 27.1% in 1999 to 39.4% in 2004. The corresponding EU 25 rate in 2004 was 24.8%."

The full report here.


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