Big Brother is still watching
We take a lot for granted here in the 'West', and online anonymity is certainly one of them. But as far as the Chinese government is concerned, if you're saying something online, they want to know who you are. Big Brother indeed.
My other real scary Big Brother moment came when I saw recent ads for the UK television licence fee. In Ireland, they're trying to shame us into paying ("A fine and a court appearance ... is it worth the embarrasment?"), but the approach in the UK is distinctly different -- they're trying to scare them into paying in a spooky Matrix-style ad. They have a database of everyhousehold in the UK without a TV licence. They're not afraid to use their powers. The agents are after us.
[a frantic search for screen shots of the ads brought up nothing. I'll keep looking and post if I find anything]
And for the record, I've never watched more than 30 seconds of Channel 4's Big Brother. My fears are entirely Orwellian.
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